


The SAKURA Exchange Program in Science is now open for application. Please refer to the attachment for more information.
【交流日期/ Date 】
Nov. 12, 2023 - Nov.18, 2023

【名額/ Admission Quota】
9名/ 9 persons

【補助項目/ Financial Support】
1. 機票 Airfare
2. 生活費Daily Allowance :補助內容包括住宿費、餐費及交通費。/ Daily Allowance includes: (1) 7-day accommodation: (2) Meals; (3) Local transportation

【申請資格/ Eligibility】
  • 須為營養學院研究生,年齡須在40歲以下。外籍生之國籍須為符合入境日本免簽之國家。/ Applicants must be graduate students of the College of Nutrition (age under 40 years old). For international students, your country of citizenship must be one of the 68 countries that are applicable to the Visa Exemptions for entering Japan. 
  • 博士班及碩士班二年級學生 / Priority admission for Ph.D. students and second-year MS students. 
  • 護照有效期限須至少六個月以上(自出發日起算) / The passport must have no less than six months of validity from the date of departure
【申請時程Application Deadline】
Please submit all requirements to the college office by 5 PM, Sep. 6th, 2023.


【繳交文件Documents required

  • 申請表(請線上申請並印出紙本 https://sakuraplan-88ad6.firebaseapp.com/sakura-index.html) / Application form (Please apply via Online Application: https://sakuraplan-88ad6.firebaseapp.com/sakura-index.html
  • 研究所歷年成績單 / A copy of official transcripts for all previous coursework at graduate school.
  • 英文/日文檢定成績證明。英文成績需至少B1(即多益測驗550分或其他同等考試)/ A copy of proof of English or Japanese proficiency. English score must be at least B1 level (i.e. A TOEIC score of 550 or other equivalent examinations)
  • 護照影本 / A copy of your passport
  • 其他(:國際會議發表證明) / Other supporting materials(e.g. a demonstration of international activity participation)