營養學院 代謝與肥胖科學研究所碩士班 誠徵專任助理教授(含)以上1名 (公告至113.05.30截止)
博士(Ph. D.): 營養、醫學或生命科學相關(Nutrition, medical, or life science-related) 科系畢業
1. 須具疾病代謝或轉譯營養研究專長
Expertise in disease metabolism or research in translational nutrition is required.
2. 須具英文授課能力
English teaching proficiency is required.
3. 須具博士後研究三年以上經驗
A minimum of three years of postdoctoral research experience is required
4. 具臨床研究經驗尤佳
Clinical research experience is preferred.
*需提供資料(Material needed):
1. 個人履歷表及自傳 curriculum vitae and autobiography
2. 學經歷證件影本(持外國學歷者,畢業證書需經駐外單位驗證)
a photocopy of education and working experience diploma (any foreign diploma should be verified
in advance by the overseas office, Republic of China (Taiwan)
3. 著作目錄及重要著作 publication list
4. 可授之課程及內容大綱 a statement of teaching interests with course outlines
5. 過去教學之課程綱要 previous teaching portfolio/outlines
6. 推薦函二封 two letters of recommendation
連絡電話:02-27361661 ext.7353
1. 申請新聘專任教師請先至系統登錄教師新聘資料 :本校首頁>人力資源處>教師新聘升等作業系統 (http://hr2sys.tmu.edu.tw/HRApply/default.aspx)
2. 依本校人力資源處網頁>聘任作業>教師聘任升等作業規定,檢附所需表件於期限內郵寄至110301台北市信義區吳興街250號 (註明欲應徵系/所/科/學程)
For the application of our new fulltime positions, the interested applicants please register at the faculty employment and promotion operating system first (http://hr2sys.tmu.edu.tw/HRApply/default.aspx) and then make a hard copy of your curriculum vitae. Compose this hard copy, as well as the forms accompanying “The Procedure of Teachers ' Employment and Promotion ” and mail the package to the department/course you are to apply within due time.
Please notify the unit/department, instead of any individual receiver, on the envelop for your delivery. The address of our university is: No. 250, Wuxing Street, Xinyi District, Taipei City 110301, Taiwan.